Hi friends! Welcome to this week’s edition of the Five Minute Friday link-up!

Each week we gather around a single word prompt to freewrite for five minutes flat. Learn more here.

This week’s FMF writing prompt is: BEHOLD




Setting my timer for five minutes and . . . GO. 

I recently asked for prompt suggestions in the Five Minute Friday Facebook group for us to use for the last two link-ups of 2021. One suggestion was “behold,” and I immediately thought of the most adorable video a friend sent me two years ago on Christmas Eve.

The video showed their then two-year-old daughter repeating after her dad as he recited Isaiah 7:14. I wish you could see it yourself because it’s just too cute, but you’ll have to imagine:

“Behold!” (Two-year-old: “Dee-dode!”)

“The virgin . . .” (“Va vojin!”)

“Shall conceive . . .” (Sa conceive!”)

“And bear!” (“and baywer!”)

And so it goes, until the best part:

“Immanuel!” (Two-year-old: “Lelallulol!”) 🙂

As I re-watched the video on my phone and laughed all over again, I couldn’t help but also think how many wonders there are to behold in this single verse of Scripture:

“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” ~ Isaiah 7:14, ESV

First of all, the fact that it was prophesied so many decades before it even happened is just amazing to me.

Secondly, a virgin. A virgin became pregnant!

Thirdly, His name. Immanuel. God with us. 

This Christmas season, may we all pause to behold the glorious wonders of the Son of God becoming flesh and making His dwelling among us.

God with us.


Behold the wonder.




Please note:

We will have a regular link-up next week, December 17th, which will be the final FMF link-up of 2021.

I will be taking my annual two-week break from the link-up during the weeks of December 24th and 31st.

We’ll be back, Lord willing, with the first link-up of 2022 the week of January 7th.

ALSO: The next 4-week Writing Accountability Group starts on January 5th!

writing group



Join us for some five-minute freewriting fun by sharing your work below, then visiting your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment: 

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