Welcome to the first Five Minute Friday link-up of 2022! Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful, restful holiday season.
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Our first FMF writing prompt for 2022 is: IMPORTANT
Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO.Â
Over the holidays, a particular circumstance caused me to think about what’s really important in life. And I confess: It took me a while to land on the “right” answer. My initial thought process immediately veered toward worldly things: a loving, stable family, a warm home, sufficient provision for decent food and clothing, a good education, access to healthcare . . . the list went on.
And while none of those things are bad, it is actually possible to live a fruitful, meaningful life without those things.
After thinking on it for a while, I realized that the single most important need for a “good” life is to know and love Jesus Christ. That’s it.
We sing songs like “He is my all in all,” but do we really mean it? Do we really believe that our lives would be “good” without anything but Him?
The reality is, whatever I think I need more than God has become my idol. If I think I would be “okay” as long as I had a roof over my head and four walls around me, enough food to not go to bed hungry, clothing to cover my body, but didn’t have Jesus — I shudder to think what would happen.
I’ll just say it: Nothing matters more than Him. He is my everything.
Here’s a resource to help you kick off your 2022 writing with a Godward focus:Â
Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite, then read your neighbor’s post and leave an encouraging comment!Â
Live like He’s your all in all,
the only thing you need,
even when you’re at the wall,
even as you bleed
in the dead of deepest night,
and cringe to face the dawn,
for only He can help you fight
and give strength to go on
to face that which must lie ahead,
to face the devil’s rage,
and though you’re gonna end up dead,
death is just a page
that is turned, and then smoothed down
before He smiles, gives you your crown.
Ya know, Kate, when all is said and done knowing Him will be the only important part of our life! I hope you and yours have a healthy, safe, and blessed 2022.
Amen. I do believe that Jesus wants us to see beyond our current status to the future we have with him. Through faith and the Holy Spirit we have peace and joy. Blessings to your family.
So many times, I have put the urgent over the important. What does that mean? It means I have prioritized what is screaming at me to be done and not looked at what was the thing I most needed to be done at the time. Some things will scream to be noticed and taken of, but they are not the most beneficial or in order of importance.
One example of this for me is Jesus. He is a gentleman and will not push his way into my day. He will wait to be invited into my day. He is the most important priority I have for the day. All things generate from him. If I allow him to order my days, I know all will fit together. My days will be filled with his agenda, and that is how I want to spend my days.
Knowing Christ is definitely the MOST important thing of all.