What comes to mind when you think of the word, “commit”? Set a timer for five minutes and join us for this week’s edition of the Five Minute Friday link-up!

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This week’s Five Minute Friday writing prompt is: COMMIT

(Okay, I don’t usually comment about the photo I use, but this one was just too perfect. After choosing the prompt for this week, I went to Unsplash like I always do to look for a graphic. I typed “commit” into the search and this image was one of the handful that appeared in the search results. I mean, how could I not use it? Plus: the photo was taken at Boulders Beach in South Africa, a place I have visited several times. I couldn’t resist.)




Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO. 

This past weekend, I had the privilege of going away with five other writer friends for a working writer’s retreat. This is the fifth year I’ve been able to go, and let me just tell you, it is the most productive writing time I have all year.


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After I got home, it occurred to me that I had several reasons why I could’ve stayed home. I could’ve said no, declined the invitation, and stayed home to attend to numerous other responsibilities. But each woman who showed up had one thing in common: We all decided to commit.

We’re all busy, we all have families, we all have countless other things we could’ve been doing. But we made our writing a priority and said no to the other demands of life for 72 hours.

If you have the bandwidth, I encourage you to consider doing the same. I realize it’s not possible for everyone. But maybe it is possible for you, and you’re just making excuses.

Find a handful of friends, pool your money together, and rent a house. Pack your own breakfast food, drinks, and snacks, and divide up the remaining meal prep responsibilities. Promise not to talk to each other except during meal time and at night, put your head down, and do the work.

The difference between those people who have great ideas and those who get them done is the willingness to commit.

As Nike says, just do it.

You may be pleasantly surprised by the results.




Have you downloaded your Writing Progress Tracker yet? 

writing progress tracker






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