It’s writing prompt time!
If you’re new to the Five Minute Friday writing community, welcome! We’re so glad you’re here!
Every week we gather around a single word prompt, set a timer for five minutes, and freewrite for five minutes flat — no overthinking, no editing, just write!
Learn more about the link-up and how to join here.
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There are SO many things happening for writers in the next month . . .
This week’s FMF writing prompt is: STRETCH
Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . go.
In an exciting turn of events, my day job is expanding to include additional responsibilities. While it’s all good things, I’ve found myself lying awake at night wondering how it’s all going to come together.
I feel myself being stretched beyond my normal routine, the familiar and comfortable.
But then I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror as I’m getting ready in the morning and see the stretch marks that remain on my body after two pregnancies.
Sometimes we need to be stretched in order to give birth to new life.
It may be uncomfortable for a while as the new life is being formed and prepared to be delivered, but it will be worth it in the end.
So I’ll ask the Lord to help me carry it well and show me the ways He wants me to prepare for this new thing. And by His grace, all will go smoothly and the growth will only be a blessing in the end.
If you’re in the “growing pains” phase of a new thing, be encouraged. The stretching may not seem pleasant at the time, but He is with You, and He will continue to be faithful to the very end.
I have two fun things to share for writers this week:
The Create. Launch. Convert. Bundle is here for a limited time!
Offer ends Wednesday, February 23rd
Affiliate links used in this post
I’m so excited to host another Writing Accountability Group in March!
Join us for eight live writing sessions on Zoom during the month of March!
Stretch yourself out of your comfort zone and invite your friends!
Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite by clicking the blue “Add Your Link” button below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment!
Yeah, a stretch it’s gotta be,
I’m not a small-dog guy,
but Hazel has come here for me
and so I have to try
to wear a purse in which she might
ride through all my daily chores,
and on my chest she sleeps at night
but thank God with no snores.
She’s been here less than five days,
and Belle the Wolf’s won over
in a way that would amaze,
but Hazel’s in the clover
of life where she can just give all
the love she has…but she’s so small!
She is precious.
She sure is, Susan. As I write this she’s curled against one of the tumours. She knows where they are, and figures warmth will help.
She’s right.
Good message I needed to hear today.
Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations Kate! I’m excited for this new “stretching” in your work life! Your insight is always something I need!
I am absolutely in a phase of stretching. I needed this perpsective. Thank you, Kate!
” The stretching may not seem pleasant at the time, but He is with You, and He will continue to be faithful to the very end.” Yes, I definitely relate to this! I hope your new responsibilities are meaningful and grow you in good ways!
You pulled.
I stretched…
But I didn’t break free.
You said stretch,
But my mind
Stayed ridged…
Lacking any imagination
That I long for.
Like taffy
Shiny ribbons
Until my thoughts were
Not to You…
To me.
You already