Hi friends,
It’s been a heavy week as we’ve all taken in the news of Russia’s invasion on Ukraine. The word I chose for this week’s link-up reflects my hope and prayer.
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This week’s Five Minute Friday writing prompt is: PEACE
This past week, I watched the movie Saving Private Ryan for the first time. I know, it came out ages ago and won all kinds of awards, but I just couldn’t bring myself to watch it. I still don’t know why I did now; I could barely stomach all the war violence. It seemed so real — and for far too many, it was.
Now, after weeks of tension looming at the border between Russia and Ukraine, this week it happened. The world woke up to a Russian invasion on Ukraine.
My stomach churns at the thought of what the Ukrainian people must be thinking, feeling, enduring. Already lives have been lost; individuals have been injured. Families are fleeing.
I cannot imagine.
It seems it was not so long ago that countless Afghan people were flooding their local airports, desperate for a seat on a plane out of their home country. A flight to anywhere. An escape.
This senseless violence and turmoil is so heartbreaking, and makes me realize just how thoughtlessly I take peace for granted. It’s so easy for me to go about my daily life and not be afraid.
But this life is but a breath, and the Lord is the only One who sustains it.
May He protect all who are made in His image throughout His creation, and may the Prince of Peace who sits on the throne have mercy.
The March Writing Accountability Group starts next week!
Join us for eight live writing sessions on Zoom in March.
See the scheduled meeting times here
Just imagine how much writing you can accomplish in eight hours!
Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment:Â
The sound of this fell modern age
returns to us, and greets
us from a previous awful page,
the tank-treads in the streets,
the metal upon metal screech,
the rumble of crushed paving stone,
the aural proof of devil’s reach
to convince that we’re alone.
Is there really something there,
watching from past time and space?
Satan says it’s empty air
devoid of feeling, much less grace,
but I won’t throw God beneath the bus,
for I know He weeps for us.
We must pray for our world right now for sure, and be so very grateful for the nation we live in. I thank you for this reminder that peace isn’t being experienced by everyone in terms of war. We have such a broken world, and God willing things will calm down for the people of the Ukraine.
This world is in such chaos and we need peace!! I am not into war movies, they are very hard for me to watch. It is hard to even think about what the Ukrainians are going through.