Welcome to this week’s edition of the Five Minute Friday link-up! Whether you have your own website, post on Instagram, or scribble using freehand in a worn out journal, you are welcome here! 🙂 The goal is to write. That’s it. No judgment, no overthinking, no editing . . . just write.
Learn more about the link-up and how it works here.
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This week’s FMF writing prompt is: SPRING
Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO.
I decided last year that spring is my favorite time of the year. Maybe it was the long winter cooped up inside because of the pandemic. I’m not sure what caused it, but I suddenly saw spring with a brand new sense of wonder.
I am utterly fascinated by perennial flowers and plants that burst through the soil after a dormant winter underground. It’s a wonder to me that God was at work during those bleak months, doing hidden work in darkness. Seeing the green shoots spring forth at this time of the year gives me hope that He is working in the dark, hidden places of my soul as well.
Even in the seemingly dormant seasons, God never ceases to accomplish His purposes. If you’re going through a dry spell, don’t be discouraged. The Lord has not abandoned you. He is still doing exactly what He planned to do in you since before the beginning of time, and He will be faithful to complete it — even if you can see any evidence today.
Remember: Plants and trees do not bear fruit or blossom year round. To everything there is a season. We can plant seeds and water, but ultimately it’s the Lord who causes growth and brings forth fruit.
Let the Land Lie Fallow: Embracing a Dormant Season in the Writing Life
12 Lead Magnet Ideas to Grow Your Audience
Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment:Â
I long to spring about the grass,
a naughty and delighted lamb,
to shepherds true pain in the a**,
dancing for the Great I Am,
but sadly that’s beyond me now,
I hobble with a wooden staff,
and my mates do wonder how
I can bring myself to laugh,
but I have seen beyond the veil,
and there is really nowt to fear;
I still live to tell the tale
that the Most High God is here
to spin, curtsey, and twirl with me
unto our bright shared victory.
I am still amazed at how the seasons change. Each one has its own beauty and purpose. The same goes for the seasons in each of our lives. We may not understand why we are in this season, but God knows. He is only a prayer away!
Amen! Some of the hardest work happens in the dry, wintry seasons of life–but spring always follows!