Welcome to our weekly Five Minute Friday writing prompt link-up! Every week I share a one-word prompt and invite people like you to set a timer for five minutes and write your heart out.

Learn more about the link-up and how it works here.

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This week’s FMF writing prompt is: RUN




Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO. 

I ran today, for the first time in . . . let’s just say a while. Well, if you can even call it running. To tell the truth, I could probably walk faster than I jog. In fact, when I started out there was a couple walking briskly about two blocks ahead of me, and I never managed to pass them.

I don’t know what got into me. Maybe I was inspired by my kids’ first track meet yesterday. Maybe it was the fact that the sun was shining and the thermometer actually passed 60 degrees for the first time in weeks (months, perhaps?). Whatever the case, it felt good. I’m gonna feel it tomorrow — shucks, I already am . . . but it was worth it. And much of the time that I jogged (which was not long, I admit), I just felt so grateful for the ability to move my body.

There have been weeks and months of my life when I was not able to run for various reasons — knee injuries, surgeries, illnesses. I thought of many people I know who can’t run due to various physical ailments and conditions. And now that I’m 40 I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to jog, so I figured I should make the most of it while I still can.

I thought about the track meet from yesterday, how high school students of every shape and size competed their hearts out in various events, all giving their very best. And I thought about the Church. How we look so different from each other and all have varied gifts, but we’re all striving for the same finish line. May it be so.




You’re Invited!


How to Use Canva to Create Graphics

Wednesday, May 11th at 11am EST (8am PST)

how to use canva


Registration limited to the first 100 participants

Hope to see you there!



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