It’s link-up time! If you’re new to the Five Minute Friday community, a special welcome to you! Each week we gather around a single word prompt, set a timer for five minutes, freewrite without editing or looking back, then share our work. Whether you have a website or share to your Instagram or Facebook profile, we’d love to have you join us!
Learn more about the link-up here.
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This week’s FMF writing prompt is: KNOW
Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO.Â
Confession: I like to know things. I want to know what’s going to happen, what to expect, what I should prepare for.
I guess it’s not always a bad thing, but often it can be. Over time, I’ve realized that my desire to know is usually linked to a desire to control. I want to feel some semblance of control over what happens.
And yet, both of these things — the desire to know and the desire to control — can easily point to a lack of faith.
If I knew everything, why would I need faith? If I could control everything, why would I need God?
It’s an ongoing struggle for me, but as I look ahead to tomorrow, and the next day, and next week, and next month, and next year, I’m asking the Lord to increase my faith and dependency on Him, and to give me a sense of rest and peace in the knowledge that He is a good Father with a good and perfect plan.
I’m also asking God to fortify my trust in Him with the comfort that this quote brings:
“I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I know Who holds tomorrow.”
And that is enough.
Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment:Â
And so it is not going well,
hard to move and there’s scant breath,
and it’s like the road to hell,
dragged across this gravelled death,
but KNOW this, please, and hear it clear,
I have just begun to fight,
and whatever might be dear
is an off’ring to the night,
for honour is as honour does,
and there is what I cannot render,
not for pride, but just because,
I can’t even spell ‘sirendur’,
so cancer, don’t count victory,
for you are going down with me.
It’s bad, Andrew I almost decided to skip this week.
I try to visit everyone’s post on FMF (is that a promise, or threat?), and I shall do my best now.
I love you all. You people give me hope as the world grows dark.
Um, I sometimes HATE my phone.
It decided that “It’s bad, and…” should have been “It’s bad, Andrew…”
Andrew, I am so sorry you are on the dark road. I see your constancy to respond to our writing and am amazed that you are able to take your eyes off your own battle to do so. I pray God will make His closeness known to you in these days, that He and you together will have the victory.
Anna, I have no words to respond to your graciousness and love, besides thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
I do like to know all the ins and outs of the plan for an event, vacation or even Saturday errands with my sweetie. I am a planner, he is not.
I also used that quote/hymn in my post today. I wonder if most of us will 😉 Have a great weekend.
Great minds think alike! I’m such a control freak…at least I used to be. My post was similar to yours!
‘I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I do know who holds tomorrow.’ I like that. Thank you.