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This week’s FMF writing prompt is: HEAL




Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO. 

We have a peach tree on our property that was here when we moved in. I admit at first I didn’t have high hopes that anything promising would happen with it, but I was very pleasantly surprised to find actual peaches growing on it the first season. Then the next time I looked, all of the leaves had curled in and the peaches were covered in small brown spots.

I was so disappointed.

My son sent a photo of the leaves and fruit to a friend who knows more than we do about growing things, and he explained that the tree had a disease.

I wrote it off, assuming there was no going back. Assuming we’d have to cut it down.

Today my husband said there is a certain spray that can be used on the tree to “heal” it. That’s the word he used. Heal.

I didn’t think it was possible to heal a tree.

Just like I’m not sure it’s possible to heal after the trauma and tragedy that so many individuals faced this past week in the wake of the latest devastating mass shootings at the supermarket in Buffalo and the elementary school in Texas.

I cannot even imagine.

Oh, how I wish there was a magic spray that could make it all go away, but I suspect that the men, women, and children impacted by these horrific events will spend the rest of their days with leaves curled in, covered with indelible marks from the trauma they have endured.

God, have mercy. Come, Lord Jesus.





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