Hey hey! It’s my favorite time of the week . . . writing time!

If you’re new to the Five Minute Friday link-up, a special welcome to you! Each week we gather around a single word prompt, write our hearts out for five minutes flat, then share our work (if you want) and encourage one another. It’s so much fun!

Learn more about the link-up HERE

Also: There are a LOT of fun things in the works (including some shared at the bottom of this post), so be sure to JOIN THE FMF EMAIL LIST so you can stay in the know. I don’t want you to miss out!


This week’s FMF writing prompt is: STIR




Have you ever had an experience when someone made a comment or asked a question that stirred an idea or some inspiration in your mind and heart?

This happened recently for me, quite unintentionally by the person who asked the question. The other person was actually asking for help and advice, and the inquiry made me think of something I hadn’t thought about for a very long time. Something that could develop into a larger project that may bless others, Lord willing.

Perhaps for you it has come through a song, a Scripture verse, a book, or a visit to a particular place. Whatever the case, I believe the Lord uses these experiences to stir in us a desire to do something meaningful and good for His glory.

What has the Lord stirred in you recently? What conversations has He used to bring something to mind that you haven’t thought about for a while? How might you use this in your writing life?

If you feel like you’ve been lacking inspiration lately, you might consider what Julia Cameron calls an “Artist Date” — a time when you go somewhere by yourself for the express purpose of being inspired. Perhaps you could visit a museum, a beach, a forest, a bookstore, an art gallery . . . whatever it is that stirs hope and joy in your soul.

Sit in the quiet and listen for Him to speak.





Speaking of inspiration . . .

The 2022 Writer’s Toolkit is now available!

I’m thrilled to have a product include in this year’s Writer’s Toolkit,
a fantastic bundle of digital and printable resources for writers like you!

writer's toolkit

This bundle includes

41 products including 6 eBooks, 25 eCourses, 7 Printables & Workbooks, and 3 Templates


Limited time only!

Sale ENDS on Wednesday, June 15th at 11:59pm EST

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Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, STIR, below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment: 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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