Welcome to the first edition of the Five Minute Friday link-up for July 2022! Hard to believe half the year is over already, isn’t it?
Though summer is in full swing (at least in the northern hemisphere), I hope you’ll set aside five minutes of your day to write with us!
If you’re new to Five Minute Friday, a special welcome to you! Be sure to join the email list here for a free gift.
You can also learn more about the link-up and how it works here.
This week’s FMF writing prompt is: TRUST
Setting a timer for five minutes, and . . . GO.Â
If you’ve been around for a bit, you might recall that my youngest child recently got his driver’s permit. (Yes, I’m that old.) He’s actually doing really great, but the route to get to his summer job requires about 20 minutes of driving on a curvy, traffic heavy highway with a speed limit of 70 miles per hour.
He drove it a couple of times, but my nerves were shot every time. On one occasion I may have overreacted a little on what I thought was a close call (read: I may have seen my life flash before my eyes), so ever since then I haven’t asked if he wanted to drive to work.
After several days (weeks?) of not driving that particular route, he asked if he could drive. I looked at my watch and realized it was around noon on a Thursday. The traffic shouldn’t be terrible at that time of the day. I took a deep breath and said yes.
We made it. He did great. I didn’t even take any blood pressure medication. 😉
As he was driving, I realized my fear is really rooted in a lack of trust in God. The Lord knows exactly what is going to happen to us (or not happen to us) and when. He knows which cars will be on the road and when, he knows where they are going and how long it will take them to get there.
He knows the number of my days, and He has a perfect plan for each one of them.
Though I will likely still catch myself reaching for my seatbelt and pressing the imaginary brake with my foot, my hope and prayer is that little by little, He will increase my trust in Him. For the big things and the seemingly small.
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Join the link-up below with your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, TRUST, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment!
I have to trust in mercy,
I have to trust in peace.
I have to trust the certainty
that there will be release
from the tumours pressing in,
from the knowing my life’s failed,
from the hopeless need to win,
from the message that is veiled
by mavens of the digi-land
that everyone is looking up
and they’re doing what they planned
while I drink the endless cup
of bitter mead, tastes of defeat
that I trust my Lord to make complete.
Oh, I sure can relate! I currently have two student drivers and they love to take a turn behind the wheel. At first it was so stressful! I found my fingers going numb as I gripped the handle above the passenger seat door. But you are right, trusting God helps me trust my teens and then they are able to grow into independence. Now, if we could only figure out what the 20 year old ran over that pushed her muffler up into the body of her car! :-I
relate indeed! 🙂
Wanna hear a crazy mom moment?
I let my son drive us home from the DMV on two of the busiest roads in the county!