Welcome to this week’s edition of the Five Minute Friday link-up! Whether you have a blog, an Instagram profile, or a trusted journal with lined pages, we invite you to set a timer for five minutes and write with us!
If you’re new, you can learn more about the link-up here.
Also: Be sure to join the FMF email list to be the first to know about upcoming events for writers!
This week’s FMF writing prompt is: PROPOSE
the other day
i said to my husband
let’s take the day off on friday
and go to the beach
the kids are busy
we’ll have the whole day
with nothing to do
but sit in the sun
with our feet in the sand
and watch the waves
crash against the shore
and feel the breeze
on our face
and think about everything and nothing
all at once.
he said
so we’ll pack up the car
with chairs and towels and sunscreen
and snacks, of course
and we’ll drive west to the lake
where we can’t see across
to wisconsin
and sit.
no work
no agenda
no cares in the world
just me and him
him and me
on a beach.
maybe we’ll talk
maybe we’ll laugh
maybe we’ll argue
maybe we won’t
but it will be a day off
a change of pace
to reset
recoup what’s been lost
in the flurry
of busyness
of life.
i propose
i said
that we forget about work
and sit on the beach
on a friday in july
while summer’s still here
before it passes us by
like the others.
a whole day
with nothing to do
but sit in the sun in the sand.
with Writing Coach Ann Kroeker
Wednesday, July 20th at 11am EST
Recording available afterwards to those who register
Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite for the prompt, PROPOSE, below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment:
I propose
to walk on through winter snow
while you play in spring’s own sun.
The haiku above is in reference not to your lovely poem, Kate, but to a recent loss that left me kind of shattered; it is my response, as it were, to the prompt.
Didn’t want there to be confusion.
Ah! I hope you had fun.
Kate, loved your post and hope you had a truly wonderful day.
Sounds very refreshing! We have the Gulf of Mexico here, but my kids are the ones I can convince to join me there. Water, sun and sand always slow me down.
I love everything about this!
Sounds like a wonderful day!
Love this.
just to sit and be together… it’s enough sometimes isn’t it?