Happy LAST weekend of July! (As much as it pains me to say that!) 😉
I hope you’ve enjoyed your month and found glimpses of the Lord’s grace scattered throughout your days.
If you’re new to the Five Minute Friday community, a special welcome to you!
You can click here to learn more about the link-up. We’re thrilled to have you joining us!
This week’s FMF writing prompt is: BE
Setting a timer for five minutes, and . . . GO.Â
My daughter turned 17 this past week. (!!!)
This summer she had the opportunity to take a residential intensive college course. She lived on campus and crammed a full semester course into three-and-a-half weeks. Part of the stipulations of the program was that she couldn’t come home and we couldn’t visit her for the full 26-day duration of the program.
In 17 years, that’s the longest we’ve ever been apart. I know that these stretches will become more frequent as she becomes an adult and spreads her wings, but I still felt the length of those days now gone by.
Last week we got to pick her up, and I couldn’t be happier that she’s home. We haven’t really done anything significant or memorable since her return — yet just knowing that she’s in her room at night makes me feel like all is right in our home again.
I asked her if she wanted to ride in the car with me the other day to pick up her brother from work, and surprisingly, she said yes. Just being together felt so good, even if we were doing something mundane like driving on the highway in summer.
I will take these moments and as many more as the Lord will grant me in His grace and kindness.
And even though it’s not related to the rest of this post, given the nature of the world today, I’ll close off with this quote that I like:
“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”
A Look Ahead . . .Â
If you’re a planner like me, you might appreciate this heads up:
Our next Writing Accountability Group is happening in September! Woo hoo!
We’ll be meeting eight times during September on Zoom to write in real time to keep each other accountable.
Sound like fun?
Make sure you’re on the FMF email list to be the first to know when registration opens!
Cost will be $24.
We’ll be doing another 31-Day Writing Challenge in October, and we’d love to have you join us!
A list of 31 (optional) one-word writing prompts will be provided, or you can come up with your own theme or idea!
You could post to your blog, post to your Instagram or Facebook account, or write privately in your journal at home.
Registration will open in September. Cost will be $10 for the list of 31 prompts, regular motivational emails, and access to a private Facebook group where you can meet and interact with other participants.
Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, BE, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment:
Be kind, friend, while you have the chance,
for it may not come again.
Be kind, and give a loving glance
that can ease the mortal pain
of rejection for one’s skin,
of haughty cancellation,
of the ties to one’s fell kin,
of passport to a nation
that doesn’t pass the hipster bar,
that falls below the modish test;
but that, today, is how things are,
and behind are left the rest
of people whom the world cares not,
their contributions plumb forgot.
Kate, I can so relate to these “away” moments being hard to “BE” seemingly alone without your teen! I had a car moment with my 16 year old son yesterday, and I, too was thankful for it! We are lucky to have cars to trap them into conversation and music I feel! Have a wonderful weekend. Love, Jenn
Isn’t this one of the most difficult stages of parenting? It definitely grows our faith as we watch our kids spread their wings. My kids are 15, 17, 19 and almost 21! I am challenged to trust Jesus in new ways daily! I’m glad you got to experience that car drive closeness with your daughter. I have had those moments and also those car drive moments when all I could do was silently pray for my teen. Both are good in God’s economy. He blesses us as we keep trusting Him with our kids.
There is just a special feeling when everyone is sleeping in their beds. I remember when our kids left for college how empty it felt at night. And when they’d both be home, contentment and peace would fill my sleep. Now they both have homes of their own but oh the joy when I’m getting the beds ready for their visit and how happy my heart is as I turn out the light knowing they’re sleeping down the hall! It feels as if it’s just where they should be!
Sometimes the best thing we can do is just BE available in the moment!
Just being with my loved ones is such a blessing, and I consider myself so blessed that my kids enjoy being with me! Loved this post.