Welcome to this week’s edition of the Five Minute Friday link-up! Each week we gather around a single word prompt, set a timer for five minutes, and write our hearts out for five minutes flat.

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This week’s FMF writing prompt is: FORGET




This past Sunday, our pastor used an illustration in his sermon that reminded me just how forgetful I am. He talked about how frequently God’s people sin, beg God for forgiveness, thank God for His forgiveness, then turn around and do the very same thing all over again. I’m guessing you know what I’m talking about . . . I know I do it!

A few days after the sermon, a friend asked me for advice on how to forgive someone who had hurt them. I told her that in my experience, whenever I’m struggling with bitterness and resentment, the only way I can truly forgive is to remember how much God has forgiven me. When I think of all the times I repeatedly offend the Lord, often with the same offense over and over and over again — and yet He is persistently patient with me and willing to forgive . . . how could I think about withholding forgiveness from someone else?

A couple days ago I turned to Psalm 106 in my morning devotions and this theme popped up again. It talks about how God’s people forgot the Lord when they were in Egypt, then praised Him after He redeemed them. But soon after, they forgot His works again and went to worship manmade idols instead.

The pattern repeats itself over and over again, both in redemptive history and in my life today:

I forget God, He forgives me, I thank and praise Him, then I forget again, then He reminds me of His love and grace, I praise Him again, then I forget all over again. It sounds hopeless, and yet it is nothing but the definition of hope. I could have no hope without His persistent longsuffering toward me.

What a patient, forbearing God I serve!




I’ve been hinting at it for a little while, and I’m thrilled to share that
registration for the September Writing Accountability Group is now open!

writing accountability group





Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, FORGET, below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment:

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