It’s time for another Five Minute Friday link-up . . . the last one of August! This month absolutely *flew* by. My kids are back to school, and so it begins.
But no matter how busy our schedules get, we always take time each week to pause for five minutes to write. I’m so glad you’re here!
If you’re new, you can learn more about the link-up and how it works HERE.
PLUS: There are a LOT of things coming up for writers in September and October, so be sure to sign up for the FMF email list so you don’t miss out on any news or announcements.
This week’s FMF writing prompt is: SHOW
This past Monday, I made my daughter pause at the door at 6:15am before getting into the car for her last first day of school. That’s right, we’ve got a senior in the house, and I have no idea how we got here or what I’m doing.
I made the decision a few years ago not to post any more pictures of my kids’ faces online, but we got my daughter’s senior pictures taken this summer, and oh how I wish I could show them to you! She has become such a beautiful young woman. I shared them with an online friend who hasn’t met her yet, and she made the comment, “She emanates kindness with a dose of spunk!” That was such a perceptive observation, and very accurate.
Praying that my kind and spunky girl would have a blessed final year of high school, that the Lord would continue to guide her next steps and give her sufficient grace for the future, and that He would give us all that we need to end this chapter well and begin the next one trusting in Him.
To all those who have walked this road already: Advice is welcome! 🙂
I also recommend Brenda Yoder’s book, Fledge: Launching Your Kids Without Losing Your Mind.
Great title, right? 😉 A worthwhile read indeed.
Lastly, here’s a post I shared on Instagram last week with a sneak peek into the senior photo shoot and a blessing for the Class of 2023:
Psst . . . have you heard?
Registration for the September Writing Accountability Group is now open!
We’ll meet eight times in September via Zoom for live writing sessions with other writers.
Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite on the writing prompt, SHOW, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment:Â
I wish that I might show you
the love that’s in my heart,
the love that runs my whole day through,
the love of which I’m part.
I wish that I might show my town
that even in the worst of times
there’s no reason to feel down,
for God is true, and God refines
what we need to show the nations,
that too much hate’s gone on too long,
that black, and white, we are relations,
and it’s together we’ll be strong
and brave enough to face what’s real,
and in that grace begin to heal.
The best thing we can do for our children is pray for them and listen to them. This need continues when they are adults and on their own. Enjoy this special year with your daughter! It is great that she is an avid reader.