Welcome to this week’s edition of the Five Minute Friday link-up! Whether you have your own blog, post your work to a social media platform, or keep your writing in a personal journal, we are thrilled you’re here! Each week we gather around a single word prompt, set a timer for five minutes, and just write.

Learn more about the link-up and how it works here.

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This week’s FMF writing prompt is: GENEROUS




Well, my daughter made it four days into her senior year before coming home with COVID. Again.

Then I made it eight days caring for her before it knocked me flat. For a third time.

Friday I was fine . . . Saturday I was not.

Each of the three times I’ve had COVID (so far) have been completely different from each other.

I’ll spare you all the details, but my phone did notify me on Wednesday that my daily steps average was trending lower in the last five days than it had been. I opened the Health app and had to laugh when I saw 7,803 steps logged last week Friday, then nine steps logged on Tuesday. Nine steps.

I knew on Tuesday that I wasn’t going to be able to host the very first session of this month’s Writing Accountability Group. I didn’t want to postpone and felt like people were counting on me to deliver, so I asked a dear friend if she would cover for me and guest host in my place.

Not only did she graciously rearrange her whole schedule to accommodate me, she then went even further and sent our family a meal via DoorDash that night!

What a generous gift. 

Blessings like these often remind me of the lavish generosity of our God, who gives us so much more than we can ask or imagine. It also reminded me that we need each other. We are a body, and we aren’t meant to do it all alone.

Talking to myself here as well, but when you need help, ask. And when the Lord delivers, praise Him for His abundant goodness and grace.

He cares for you.






It’s happening again!

We’re planning another 31-Day Writing Challenge in October!

writing challenge


Stay tuned for more information coming soon on how to register and more!



Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, GENEROUS, below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment: 

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