Welcome to the last Five Minute Friday link-up of September 2022! This month has absolutely flown by, and I based on how full my calendar is for October, I expect the same thing might happen again.

If you’re new to the link-up, a special welcome to you! Learn more about how it works here.

Also: Be sure to join the FMF email list, as we have a lot of fun opportunities and announcements to share that we don’t want you to miss.


Our final FMF writing prompt for September is: ROAD




Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO. 

If you’ve been around for the past couple of weeks, you’ll know that I took my daughter on a spontaneous trip from Michigan to New York City two weeks ago. We planned the trip in four days, and drove 24 hours round trip to spend 24 hours in the car. (Crazy, I know.)

Before we left, I was brainstorming creative ways we could pass the time on the road. I thought of audio books, new combined playlists, and even outlining the beginnings of her college application essays. (For the record, when I suggested that she work on her essays while I drove, she complained, “Mo-oommm . . . It’s supposed to be fuunnnnn!”)

(Also for the record: no college applications were written in the duration of the trip.)

My daughter isn’t always super talkative, but when she got in the car on Friday after school so we could commence our trip, the words started flowing. Maybe it was the adrenaline and excitement; maybe it was the fact that one of her teachers got her all riled up with one of their discussion topics at the end of the day.

Whatever the case, for about four-and-a-half out of the five hours it took us to drive from Michigan to Ohio for our first overnight stop, we had some rich, deep, meaningful conversations. For me, these hours talking with my girl were worth the whole trip.






The annual 31-Day Writing Challenge starts October 1st!

writing challenge




Registration is now open for the upcoming

Inspire Summit

happening October 3-6!

inspire summit

You are not going to want to miss this.





Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, ROAD, below: 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

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