It’s writing time! If you’re new to the Five Minute Friday community, welcome! We’re so glad you’re here.

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This week’s FMF writing prompt link-up is: EXTREME




Thursday, November 10th in West Michigan: 

Blue skies, sunshine, and unseasonably warm temperatures exceeding 70 degrees fahrenheit.

All of the neighbors outside blowing the last remnant of falling leaves and gathering them up into brown bags to leave at the edge of their driveway for the yard waste trucks to pick up in the morning.

Wives overseeing husbands atop ladders, stringing Christmas lights along rooftop eaves and gutters.

Forecast for Sunday, November 13th in West Michigan: 

Low of 27 degrees, high of 38; 50 percent chance of snow showers.

One extreme to the other, in a span of four days.

Such is life, right? Health one day, illness the next. Poverty one day, provision the next.

And yet, in summer and winter, springtime and harvest, for richer or for poorer, God remains the same and His faithfulness never wanes.

We may get whiplash from flying from one extreme to the next, but He stays constant. Stable. A solid rock.

So we build our foundation on the rock, and in Christ we shall not be moved. No power of hell, no scheme of man can ever pluck us from His hand.




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