Happy first weekend of December!

If you’re new to the Five Minute Friday Writing Community, welcome! We gather around a single word prompt every Friday, feverishly writing for five minutes flat with whatever words come out . . . No overthinking, no editing — just write.

Sound terrifying? Try it! 🙂

Click here to learn more about the link-up and how it works.

Also: Please be sure to join the FMF email list so you don’t miss out on any fun announcements for writers!


This week’s FMF writing prompt is: INSTANT




Drive-through banking. One-hour photos. Online grocery shopping. Automatic car wash. Livestream media. The list goes on and on. We have conditioned ourselves to want things now. To expect things now. If a website doesn’t load in less than a few seconds, we give up and click away.

We have become obsessed with instant gratification.

We have trained ourselves to be impatient. We no longer know how to wait.

And yet, so much of life requires waiting. So much of life demands patience. And we’re woefully bad at it.

As we enter this season of Advent, this season of waiting for the coming of Christ, may we be intentional about unlearning some of our unhelpful habits. May we catch ourselves when we get impatient at that red light or that order in front of us in the Starbucks drive-through line that seems to be taking forever.

In the midst of countless things vying for our attention and teaching us to crave instant gratification, let’s act in a way that grates against society’s expectations of us.

Let’s learn to wait well for the only One worth waiting for.






Need some ideas to add to your Christmas list?

Here are some of my favorites . . .

Perfect Gifts for Writers


gifts for writers

What’s your favorite thing on this list? What else would you add?




Every year I take a short break from hosting the FMF link-up over the holidays.
I usually take a two-week break, but personal circumstances this year
have made it necessary for me to take a three-week hiatus.

Here is the upcoming schedule for the FMF link-up:

December 16: Last link-up of 2022

December 23: NO link-up

December 30: NO link-up

January 6: NO link-up

January 13: First link-up of 2023

Thanks for your understanding!


Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment: 

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Click here to enter

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