Happy New Year! Welcome to our first Five Minute Friday writing prompt link-up of 2023!

After a three-week break, it’s so nice to be back. I’ve missed you all! I hope you’re as eager to write together as I am. 😉

If you’re new to the Five Minute Friday community, an extra special welcome to you! Be sure to join our email list so you don’t miss any fun announcements. If you need more info about the link-up and how it works, visit this page.


This week’s FMF writing prompt is: RECEIVE




Setting a timer for five minutes, and . . . GO. 

I’m a self-professing “doer.” My husband says I can’t sit still. I like to be doing things — or better yet, multiple things at the same time. I also tend to be a giver and a “helper,” falling into that 2 – 1 – 9 triad on the Enneagram, for anyone who may follow along with that trend. I like to serve. I like to do things for other people. I’m not very good at letting other people do things for me.

So, this past three weeks have been challenging for me. I had surgery on December 21st, and I’ve had to rely on other people to serve me. I’ve been (mostly) confined to a recliner as I recover, with abdominal incisions, muscles, and organs that need time to heal.

For the first four or five days after my operation, I couldn’t even raise or lower the foot rest on my recliner by myself. As I eventually became more mobile and less sore, I started to test out other seating arrangements temporarily. At one point I was sitting at the dining room table and realized I need a pen. In my “natural” state, I would have most definitely gotten up to get a pen myself — and I almost did. Then I realized it would require me to stand up and sit down again (two movements that have been rather uncomfortable) one more time than necessary. So I hesitantly asked my husband to get up and get me a pen.

It’s hard for me to receive from others. And yet, by doing everything myself, I suppose one could say I’m denying another person the opportunity to serve.

More importantly, though — if I’m unwilling to humble myself and admit my need for help, how will I ever admit my need for a Savior?

Ultimately, I must admit my complete inability to do anything on my own (whether healthy or in recovery), confess my utter dependence on the Lord, and receive the free gifts He so lovingly and willingly offers.




LIVE Sales Funnel Bootcamp

My friend Becky Kopitzke from The Inspired Business Co is offering a
FREE bootcamp training
over three days next week:

January 17, 18, 19

sales funnel

Daily topics will cover:

Tuesday, January 17: How to create the right offer for your audience

Wednesday, January 18: How to build an automated sales funnel

Thursday, January 19: How to power your sales through automated emails





Next, it’s time for another Writing Accountability Group!

Join me and several other writers for eight live writing sessions on Zoom in February:


writing accountability group



Hope to see you there!




Join the link-up below with your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, RECEIVE: 

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