Welcome to this week’s edition of the Five Minute Friday writing prompt link-up! Whether you have a blog, a social media profile, or a good ol’ fashioned paper journal, you are welcome to write with us!

Learn more about the link-up and how it works here.

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This week’s FMF writing prompt is: OWN




What comes to mind? Set a timer for five minutes, and let’s write . . .

Ready? GO.


My family and I were blessed to travel to Florida recently for my daughter’s last high school spring break. We thoroughly enjoyed time with friends, time at the pool, time at the beach, and most of all time in the SUN . . . a luxury we haven’t experienced in Michigan for several months. 😉

While we were there, I couldn’t help but gawk at all the beauty around me . . . Blue skies, sunshine, palm trees, sparkling pools, the beach, ocean, and horizon . . . As I walked past the pool, I was so surprised by how many people I saw with their faces in their phones. Why were they not enjoying their surroundings?

Then I realized I was guilty, too . . . I frequently picked up my phone to check things like the time of the sunset, the weather forecast, the best place to park at the beach, the distance from our accommodation to the amusement park, Instagram, the news . . . the list goes on and on.

I found myself packing portable chargers in the car to make sure that the four phones in the vehicle had opportunity to be sufficiently charged during the long drives.

Even while on vacation, I found myself dependent on my phone more often than I wanted to be.

This realization forced me to ask myself: Do I own my phone, or does my phone own me?





Are you ready to OWN your story? 

(See what I did there?) 😉

Find support and encouragement from this new book and supplemental resources:

Share Your Story: The Transforming Power of Telling Others What God Has Done

share your story





Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, OWN, below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment: 

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