Welcome to the first Five Minute Friday link-up of May 2023!

Every week we gather around a single word prompt and freewrite for five minutes flat.

Sound like fun? Learn more here, then join the link-up at the bottom of this post.


This week’s FMF writing prompt is: SOON




Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO. 

We’ve been counting down for months, and the time is finally almost here. We have family coming to visit, family members we haven’t seen for years. They’re coming for my daughter’s high school graduation. (Hold me.) Very soon we will have a full house. Very soon my youngest will turn sixteen and get his driver’s license, Lord willing. Very soon my daughter will graduate from high school, turn eighteen, and move to college. Very soon my house will be quiet.

We’ve been counting down for months, and the time is finally almost here. The preparations have been many, and we’re not done yet. A flurry of activity and excitement, restless nights in anticipation, making lists and checking calendars.

And I can’t help but think: If I get this excited for family members’ imminent arrival, why am I not as excited for the imminent coming of Christ? Why am I not thinking about it all the time, making preparations and doing all that I can to ready myself for His arrival?

The momentous events for our family this summer will come and go. Life will be different, but it will carry on. But when Christ comes, everything will change; nothing will be the same. Am I excited? Am I ready?






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