Welcome to the first FMF link-up of June 2023! I hope your month is off to a great start.

If you’re new to Five Minute Friday, a special welcome to you!

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This week’s FMF writing prompt is: QUICK




I wait all year for this one week.

The week that my peonies bloom.

And by “my” peonies, I mean peonies that I did not plant nor tend nor care for in any way. I didn’t even know what the plant was until the first time I saw it bloom in all its breathtaking glory.

Now, I wait and wait and wait in anticipation, and just like that, it’s over. They’re gone. Delicate petals on the ground.

The brevity of their lives makes me think of this life here on earth. It may seem long and perhaps at times even like a drag, but our days here are but a breath.

Many of you saw the very sad news on Facebook this week that our dear sister and longtime FMF community member Tammy Mashburn went to be with the Lord after a difficult battle with pancreatic cancer.

Though her life here on earth was but a breath, as a woman who loved her Lord and Savior, Tammy is now experiencing the unimaginable joy of being in the presence of her Creator, the lover of her soul. She no longer has to wait for the glory to be revealed, she no longer has to wonder when the last petal is going to fall to the ground. She is whole and complete, and more alive than ever before.




Please join me in praying for Tammy’s family and loved ones in the midst of this tremendous loss. 



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