Welcome to this week’s edition of the Five Minute Friday link-up!

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This week’s FMF writing prompt is: HIDDEN




Setting a timer for five minutes, and . . . GO. 

I planted my garden on Monday. This is only the third year we’ve had it and my son mostly planned it and managed it the past two years, but this year he claims he’s too busy, so it’s on me.

If you’ve been around these parts for a while, you may remember that I am utterly fascinated by the growth process of plants. How a single, tiny seed can contain what is needed for a full-on plant that can feed a family is completely beyond me.

But now, in these early days of the waiting period, there is nothing to see but dirt. I know in my head that I put seeds into the ground and covered them with soil, but I have no idea if they’re going to do anything. Maybe some birds came and snatched up the seed. Maybe the wind moved the soil and blew the seeds away. Maybe I gave them too much water and drowned them. Maybe they didn’t get enough water and dried out.

Or maybe, just maybe, the Lord is doing a miraculous work in the hidden place, in the darkness where no one else can see. Maybe He is preparing those seeds to become something wondrous and glorious, something that will feed others and nourish our souls.

There are so many possibilities, and I can only hope that as the Lord does His work in the hidden places under the soil in my garden, that He will also continue to do His mighty work in the hidden places of my heart — watering, tending, and causing me to grow into something that bears fruit.





Don’t miss this


How to Ace a Media Interview

with Ashley Bazer, Producer of Focus on the Family’s Daily Broadcast

Hosted by Becky Kopitzke from The Inspired Business Co.

June 15th at 12pm EST

media interview

There will be a replay for those who register in advance.




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