Welcome to our weekly Five Minute Friday writing prompt link-up! We invite you to join us for a five-minute freewriting exercise. Whether you have a blog, a social media profile, or a well-worn journal, we’d love to have you set aside some time to write and possibly share your work. Be sure to scroll to the bottom to see the posts that have been linked up so you can meet other writers as well!

Learn more about the link-up here.


This week’s FMF writing prompt is: ASPIRE




I am a doer, but I am not driven.

I like to be busy and productive, but I wouldn’t say I have that “one thing” that I aspire to do with my life or say that I’ve accomplished.

I’ve never had a desire to run a marathon (or even a 5k, for that matter . . . ha!), summit a mountain, sing in a production, or win a competition.

I have adopted, but I didn’t really dream of adopting when I was younger.

I have homeschooled, but it was just something we did that met a need at the time.

I have written books, but I never really aspired to be an author.

Sometimes I wonder . . . do I not care enough? Should I have bigger dreams and goals? Have I settled for “less”?

Then I remember that the things of this world will fade away. Truly, the greatest thing I can aspire to — with the help of the Holy Spirit, of course — is to follow hard after my God and to seek to honor Him in all I do. An impossible calling without Christ . . . but He is able.




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Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, ASPIRE, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment: 

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