It’s time for another Five Minute Friday link-up! Each week we gather around a single word prompt to write our hearts out without overthinking. No editing, just write.
Are you in?
Click here to learn more about the link-up and how it works.
Also, I’ll be sharing some new offerings for writers coming up soon, so make sure you’ve joined the email list so you don’t miss out:
This week’s FMF writing prompt is: ESCAPEÂ
Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO.Â
Some of us (ahem) use books. Some turn to TV and movies. Others go to the bar or drink at home.
Drugs, fitness, food, work . . . We all have an escape. When life gets to be more than we think we can handle. we switch it off and find an escape.
Except it doesn’t last long. Our troubles are right there waiting for us when we return — sometimes worse.
I mean, Jesus did promise us, “In this world you will have trouble . . .”
But He didn’t stop there. He went on to say, “But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Jesus didn’t get an escape. And He didn’t bear just His own problems; He faced the full weight of the sins of the world when He hung on that cross.
He could’ve gotten down if He wanted to; if it was His Father’s will. But His Father let Him die.
He had a way of escape, but He stayed. He stayed and took our burdens — every single one of them — those that our someone else’s fault and those that are our own fault — and He took the punishment on our behalf.
Hallelujah, we are free.
Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, ESCAPE, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment:Â
Until I came to see what’s real,
I said it long and loud and clear,
‘This isn’t what I want to feel,
please GET ME OUT OF HERE!’,
but the Lord God, He knew best,
and thus I am confessin’
that even though I failed that test,
He passed me on the lesson
because I learned that life ain’t all
there is, what livin’s for,
and finding this, I heard the call
through Heaven’s open door,
‘Die for honour, live for Me,
My child, born of Eternity!’
Three minutes fifty.
I just read this on Facebook and thought of today’s prompt and all of you 🙂
Thank you for choosing this word today.
Very interesting on how we view escape. Well written.
Yes, He endured – for the joy set before Him.