Welcome to the first Five Minute Friday of November!
If you’re new to the Five Minute Friday community, a special welcome to you!
You can learn more about the link-up and how it works here.
Thanks to the suggestions of some Five Minute Friday community members . . .
This week’s FMF writing prompt is: SEASON
Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO.
On the 31st of October, I was listening to a radio station while driving and the male co-host was teasing his female counterpart by playing the beginning of one of Mariah Carey’s well-known Christmas songs. The female co-host started yelling, “Nooooo! Give me one more day! Let me have Halloween, then tomorrow you can do that!” Sure enough, the very next day, the station flipped the switch and will now be playing Christmas songs non-stop from November 1st through December 25th.
I had to laugh, though, when the weather did not get the memo, as here in West Michigan we got dumped on with several inches of white, fluffy snow on Halloween. The poor trick-or-treaters!
Ready or not, winter is coming.
As I think about this season ahead, I find myself in a very different phase of life than I’ve been before. My oldest is out of the house, my middle child is now away at college, and I’m only left with a 16-year-old son with a driver’s license who sleeps and eats here, but isn’t around much otherwise.
I’ve had to re-evaluate how I’m spending my time, and have made commitments I may not have made as quickly or easily in previous seasons. I’m leading a women’s Bible study at my church. I took on additional editing clients. I’m seeking ways to grow my business.
Yet in every season — summer or winter or springtime or harvest — whether parenting toddlers or teens, we cannot forget that our dependence is entirely on the Lord. Always.
Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, SEASON, below:Â
The season of our discontent,
the season of the harvest,
the season that is Heaven-sent,
the season you’re the target.
The season of the Nevermind,
because it doesn’t matter,
the season when you’re pleased to find
a rubber chicken on your platter.
Seasons come and seasons go,
and some seasons leave no trace,
but this I believe and know
that the season of God’s grace
began that day at Calvary
when we were set forever free.
Three minutes thirty.
Evaluating our current season is wise!!!!
Note to Lisa Brittain…the WordPress login that your site requires doesn’t seem to be working right. Even though I am logged in to WordPress, I can’t comment.
Loved your post and pictures!