Hi friends ~

I’m sorry for the inconvenience and disappointment two weeks ago when this site was down, and for the confusion I created afterwards by extending the link-up by an extra week, canceling last week’s link-up, and communicating incorrect dates and verbiage in my email! Whew! If you’re still here with us, that’s some serious dedication! 🙂 Grateful for you and this community.

If you’re new to Five Minute Friday, welcome! We’re so glad you’re here.

Be sure to JOIN THE EMAIL LIST, as that’s the best and most effective way for me to be able to communicate important info like broken sites and extended link-ups. We also have a lot of fun announcements coming up before the end of the year and early in the new one, so don’t miss out!


If you’d like to learn more about the link-up and how it works, click here.


This week’s FMF writing prompt is: LEFT




Starting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO. 

We were very spoiled over Thanksgiving, as my daughter was home from college and we got to host a dear friend from South Africa at our home for about a week. The house felt full and festive (and full of food!), and then on Sunday I had to drive my girl back to school and on Monday my husband drove our friend to the airport, and then my husband, my youngest, and I were the only ones left.

I think about this sometimes when I pull plates out of the cupboard to dish up meals. I used to pull out five plates for each meal, then our oldest left home, and we were down to four. Then our daughter left for school, and now we’re down to three. In about a year and a half our youngest will likely head to college himself, and then my husband and I will be the only ones left.

It can make me feel down sometimes, but then the Lord helps me reframe my thinking and I realize it also means we’re one step closer to eternity. One day closer to being with Him forever.

And when it’s all said and done, I won’t be counting plates or taking leftovers with me . . . The only thing that matters is my relationship with Him and the amazing promise that He has gone ahead to make a place for me with Him in glory.






There’s still time to get the new
SPIRAL-BOUND Writing Progress Tracker
before the start of the new year!

It’s full of more than 18 ways to track your progress, establish writing habits,
increase your word count, and meet your writing goals!

writing progress tracker





Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment: 

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