Welcome to this week’s edition of the Five Minute Friday writing prompt link-up!

Be sure to scroll down to see our holiday schedule, as we’ll be taking three weeks off for the holidays.

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This week’s FMF writing prompt is: TURN




Shortly after Memorial Day, I took a short drive to a local nursery to buy some starter plants for my garden. I had a few things in mind but mostly wanted to see what they had, and I could not believe my good fortune when I drove away with about 12 plants for just six dollars — plants that soon became much larger and fruitful than I ever imagined they could.

Some of the plant varieties I bought were unfamiliar to me; for example, I knew they were either tomatoes or peppers but didn’t know exactly what I was going to find when they were ready to harvest.

With one of the tomato plants, I smiled when I went outside and found small red, yellow, and green tomatoes descending on the same arm of the plant. My first thought was that it looked like a traffic light.

Then I thought about the writing life; how some of us “ripen” before others, and some of us take longer before it’s time for our gifts to be harvested.

It’s easy — especially in this day and age of constant social media — to get jealous of others who seem to be succeeding so effortlessly. And yet, maybe it’s not our turn yet. Maybe our turn is still coming, and we just need to hang onto the branch and be patient as we wait to be picked.






Writing Accountability Group 

Join us in January 2024 for eight live writing sessions on Zoom!

writing accountability group





December 15th: Final link-up of 2023

December 22nd: NO LINK-UP (Christmas break)

December 29th: NO LINK-UP (Christmas break)

January 5th: NO LINK-UP (Christmas break)

January 12th: First link-up of 2024!



Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, TURN, below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment: 

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