Welcome to this week’s edition of the Five Minute Friday link-up!

If you’re new to the FMF community, a special welcome to you! We’re so glad you’re here.

Click here to learn more about the link-up, and click here to join the email list!


This week’s FMF writing prompt is: SPOIL




Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO. 


Years went by when I would gaze longingly at the online registration pages for Christian writer’s conferences, wishing, hoping, that one day I could go. Either distance or finances or timing or other commitments or all of the above prevented me from signing up.

Then one day (years ago!) I heard about a writing contest related to a nearby conference, in which three entrants would win a full scholarship to the weekend away for writers. I decided to put myself out there and entered the contest . . . and I was shocked and delighted to win a scholarship! My first writer’s conference, and I soaked it all in.

Since then, I have been incredibly blessed to not only attend but also speak at a number of conferences for Christian writers, and I don’t take a single one for granted. I remember how much I ached to attend in years gone by, and now here I am, privileged to be there myself.

This weekend I’m spoiled to attend another retreat, this time on the (cold!) shores of Lake Michigan, and I am so looking forward to talking with other writers, sharing struggles and successes, and lifting each other up as we all continue on our writing journeys.

As I look forward to the weekend and think of those who are unable to attend for any number of reasons, I’m praying that I won’t ever take for granted the opportunity I’ve been given.






Registration is now open for the March Writing Accountability Group!


writing accountability group


That’s right . . . we’re going for it again! Every time I host a group like this (January was my seventh time hosting!), I get asked the same question: Are you going to do it again? 

I’m pleased to share that at least for now, the answer is yes! We’re doing it again in March!

Having said that, after the March group I will likely not host another group until September, so if you’re considering it, now is your chance!

Learn more and see all the dates we’ll be meeting here



Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, SPOIL, below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment: 

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