Welcome to this week’s edition of the Five Minute Friday link-up!
Each week we gather around a single word prompt, set a timer for five minutes, and freewrite like no one’s watching.
In our Five Minute Friday Facebook group, I asked for suggestions for writing prompts for the next few months, and you guys really delivered!
This week’s suggestion comes from the dear Paola Barrera.
(And psst . . . Join the email list if you’d like an invite to the private Facebook group!)
This week’s FMF writing prompt is: COVER
When I saw this writing prompt suggestion, my mind first went to the Bible verse, “Love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8).
And then the conviction came.
I wish this practice came more easily and naturally to me, but it doesn’t. I take things personally. I remember. I get bitter sometimes, or resentful. I should be more quick to forgive.
I know people who exemplify this quality, and it’s so attractive and winsome. Christ-like. God-glorifying.
The times when the Holy Spirit does enable me to cover over a sin is most often when I remember just how much I have been forgiven. When I remember how extravagantly I have sinned against my God, I realize I have no right to withhold grace or mercy from anyone else.
“But for the grace of God go I . . .”
May I be quick to cover over an offense and slow to hold on to bitterness.
Thank God that His love does indeed cover over a multitude of sins.
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Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, COVER, below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment:Â
Concealment is not cover,
for a bullet can pass through,
so to get back home to Mother,
differentiate between the two,
and don’t think that not being seen
will keep you safe and sound.
That is just a foolish dream,
and also, I have found
that it applies as well to sin
that we’d like to keep hidden.
Concealment will not let us win,
and we must do as Christ has bidden,
owning what we’d fain forget
to accept His payment of our debt.
Three minutes thirty, with an Anatolian Shepherd puppy in my lap. Seven months old, and bigger than a full-grown German Shepherd.
Wow that was so fun!!! I didn’t expect the rhymes and it was pleasant.
Amen! I struggle too … mostly because I get angry with those who hurt other and I get protective … which is NOT an excuse to gossip or lay blame. Lessons learned over and over. Thank you for your authenticity!
I’m too much the same Kate, and glad indeed with you! FMF15
Cover. A bandaid. I like that bandaid. Big enough for you to not se my flaws and failures. My mistakes and messes. Big enough for you to not see the me I have been told I am for so long. Bandaids are meant to protect. But I want cover. Cover it all up so you only see what I want you to see. Why?! Why… WHY!!! Because I’m scared. Scared to feel that feeling again. You know, THAT feeling? It stalks at midday. The pointy arrow being formed. I see it from afar. It threatens day and night. It yells SO LOUD and demands I listen! Be perfect, be good enough, don’t mess up, or else!! I’m tired of covering. I’m tired of listening. I’m tired of that loud voice ruling my life. I choose a new covering. Not a bush, not an excuse, not blame- BLOOD. The blood of someone else that washes it all clean, forever. No more hiding. No more bandaids. The veil is torn. I am free!