Welcome to the 2019 edition of 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes!
Registration closed on September 30th, 2019
Scroll down to the bottom of the page
to read posts by all the 2019 participants
Be sure to join our mailing list to get updates and announcements about upcoming resources and writing challenges!
31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes is an annual writing challenge that takes place from October 1st through 31st.
After you register, you’ll receive this year’s list of 31 one-word writing prompts. You’re welcome to free write for five minutes flat on each prompt, or you could veer toward your own path and do whatever you want. 🙂
Beginning October 1st, there will be an opportunity to link up your own blog or website so others can follow along and read your series of posts. The link-up will be open from October 1st through October 5th at the bottom of this page. You only need to link up once.
Please note: You don’t have to post your writing online in order to participate in the challenge. You’re welcome to write privately, either on paper or on a device.
With your $7 registration you will receive:
- the list of 31 prompts in your inbox as soon as you sign up
- regular email updates, reminders, and encouragement throughout the writing challenge
- access to a private Facebook group where you can ask questions, receive accountability and encouragement, and engage with other participants
- live videos from me in the private Facebook group throughout the challenge, including some training and coaching along the way
This year we also have a brand new offering:
A paperback journal that includes all the writing prompts for this year’s challenge!
Now available on Amazon (affiliate links used).
Click the link below to order yours today!
1. Do I have to use the writing prompts provided?
No; you’re welcome to use the list of prompts provided, but you can also choose your own topics for 31 days of writing in October. The main goal is to write everyday. Some people like to use the prompts and the five-minute free write format as inspiration and motivation.
2. Do I have to stick to a five-minute limit with my writing?
Nope! Our hope is that a five-minute free write will be a manageable amount of time for most people to accomplish in a day, but if you want to write more, go ahead! 🙂
3. Can I share my writing on Instagram or Facebook instead of on a blog or website?
Yes! You’re welcome to use the 31 Days Writing Challenge as a microblogging exercise on Instagram, Facebook, or somewhere else. 🙂
4. Do I have to post my writing publicly online?
No. You’re welcome to write privately on paper or on a device and keep your work unpublished. If you prefer paper and pen, you might enjoy The 31-Day Writing Prompt Journal, now available on Amazon.
5. Do I have to purchase The 31-Day Writing Prompt Journal in order to participate?
Nope! The paperback journal is completely optional. It’s a new offering this year for those who enjoy using pen and paper to free write with prompts.
6. Is there a hashtag for the writing challenge?
Yes! We’ll be using #31days2019. Be sure to use the hashtags in your social media posts and follow along to meet other participants online.
7. When does the link-up open?
The link-up will be open from 8am EST on Tuesday, October 1st, through 10pm EST on Saturday, October 5th. You only need to link up once. I recommend linking up a landing page or Table of Contents for your series so people can easily find future posts.
8. What is a landing page?
A landing page is simply a page or a post on your website where you can direct people to “land” when they visit your site. I would encourage you to use a landing page or post to introduce your series, invite people to subscribe to your mailing list if you have one, and link future posts as a Table of Contents. Examples of past landing pages I’ve used can be found here and here.
Related article: What is a Landing Page and How Do I Create One?
9. What is a “button”?
The square image that bloggers include in link-ups to identify themselves, their site, or their series is sometimes called a “button.” You can create a square graphic using a free program such as Canva.
If you have questions, comments, and/or suggestions, feel free to drop them in the comments below or email me at kate@fiveminutefriday.com!
Invite others to join the writing challenge this October.
Here are some shareable graphics and social media posts:
“Registration is now open for the 2019 edition of 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes! Join the challenge at www.fiveminutefriday.com/31days2019”
“I’m participating in 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes in October! Registration closes September 30th. Join here: www.fiveminutefriday.com/31days2019“
“Join the 31 Days Writing Challenge, starting October 1st! Register here: www.fiveminutefriday.com/31days2019“

Join the link-up by sharing a landing page, Table of Contents, or your Day 1 post below!
The link-up will be open from 8am EST on Tuesday, October 1st, 2019 through 10pm EST on Saturday, October 5th, 2019.