
The 31-Day Writing Prompt Journal {Paperback}

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Looking for some inspiration and motivation in your writing life? Try this 31-day writing challenge.

In this journal you’ll find 31 one-word writing prompts followed by lined pages for you to fill with your own thoughts and creativity. Writing has the power to bring life to weary bones, healing to broken spirits, clarity to questioning minds, joy to burdened hearts, hope to hurting souls.

What do you have to lose?

In this 31-day writing challenge, you’re encouraged to pick up a pen and write. No hesitations, no worrying about what other people might think, no pausing to fix your spelling or punctuation . . . just write.

By setting aside your inhibitions, you can use these freewriting exercises to:

• strengthen your craft
• experiment with a new technique
• discover thoughts and ideas hidden below the surface
• clarify your passions and goals
• record significant stories and memories
• develop a larger project
• . . . and so much more.






The 31-Day Writing Prompt Journal is full of possibilities. There are no set rules for how to use it—the only “rule” is that you write!

You could:

• Wait until the first day of the month to begin, or begin today
• Set a timer for five minutes and freewrite until the timer beeps, or write until you run out of space
• Begin a flash fiction piece that continues with each prompt, or write a new poem every day
• Use the prompts to capture stories from your childhood, or record your dreams for the future
• Write a collection of prayers to the Lord, or letters to a loved one

Be creative. Try something new. Leave the door of your mind open to wherever your pen may take you. The most important part is that you write—and don’t forget that you’re allowed to enjoy the process!


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