Hello there!

It’s been a busy week here at Five Minute Friday, and the momentum continues!

In case it’s your first time here this week, be sure to check out these new posts (click titles to view):

Work from Home Opportunities for Christian Writers

Places to Submit Guest Posts for Christian Women

The Benefits of Planning Ahead: Using an Editorial Calendar for Bloggers

In the Work from Home article, you’ll find a limited time offer for more than 30 work at home resources valued at over $2,000. Through Monday, June 12th, you can grab it for only $47!


Work at Home Bundle


In the Planning Ahead article, you’ll find my review of the new DaySpring 18-month agenda planners. They kick off with July 2017 and go all the way through 2018, and I can’t get enough of mine. See the planners here.


If you’re new to Five Minute Friday, welcome! You can learn a little bit more about us and how the link-up works by clicking here.


expectThis week’s prompt is: EXPECT

Setting my timer for five minutes, and … GO.

I wake up and don’t think twice about whether my home will still be standing by the end of the day, or whether I’ll wake up the next morning. For the most part, I’m embarrassed to admit that I take my health, comfort, security, and next breath largely for granted.

I check my calendar and think I know what to expect the next day.

But the truth is, I have no idea. I don’t even know what the next hour or minute will bring.

I spent ten years living in South Africa. This past week, Cape Town experienced the most devastating storm they’ve had in 100 years. Remember that school we supported with half the proceeds from the Five Minute Friday book? During this week’s storm, the roof blew off the school. Can you even imagine?

In my mother-in-law’s neighborhood, a family of four was killed when their roof collapsed on them while they slept.

The very next day, 500 homes burned in a South African coastal city called Knysna — including the home of one of our dear friends. Our friend woke up that morning with no idea that she would not have a home to sleep in that night.

It’s a sobering, humbling thought to realize we have no idea or control over what happens next. But do you know what we can expect with absolute surety? Jesus is coming back. He’s coming, and I don’t know about you, but I want to be ready.


[Tweet “Join @5minutefriday as we write for five minutes on the prompt, EXPECT.”]

Now it’s your turn!

How the Link-Up Works:

1. Write for five minutes on the word of the week. This is meant to be a free write, which means: no editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation.

2. Post your words on your own blog. If you don’t have a blog, you’re welcome to post your five minutes of writing in the comments here each week, or on the Five Minute Friday Facebook page.

3. Include a hyperlink in your post to direct your readers to the Five Minute Friday site so they can join the fun, too! (Example: This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!)

4. Copy the actual permalink (url) to your specific post (not your blog’s homepage). For example, copy http://katemotaung.com/five-minute-friday/ and not just katemotaung.com.

5. Come back to this post and click the blue “Add Your Link” button at the bottom of the post.

6. Paste your unique permalink / url where prompted by the pop-up window and follow other instructions.

7. Visit the blog of the person who linked up before you and leave an encouraging comment. (That’s the best part, right?)

8. Any questions, feel free to email kate<at>fiveminutefriday<dot>com. Happy writing!


[Tweet “What comes to mind when you think of the word, EXPECT? Share with us in five minutes or less!”]

Link up using the blue “Add your link” button below, and be sure to leave a comment for your link-up neighbor!

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