I’ll admit: before I attended my first writing conference, I wondered what all the fuss was about. I figured I was fine without one, particularly given the expense and time commitment they required.

But now that I’ve been to a few Christian writing conferences, I’m hooked.

Look, I even made a video to try to persuade you to attend one …



You just can’t replace the concentrated wealth of knowledge, inspiration, encouragement, and relationships that can be gleaned from being at a conference with likeminded individuals.

Lord willing, I’ll be attending three different Christian writing conferences in the next 8 months, and I’d love for you to join me! 


Join Me at One of These Christian Writers Conferences

Christian writing conferences


Maranatha Christian Writers Conference
September 28-30, 2017
Muskegon, Michigan
Website: http://www.maranathachristianwriters.com

I attended Maranatha two years ago, and this year I have the privilege of serving on the faculty. I’ll be meeting for one-on-one appointments with attendees and teaching the following session:

Building Online Communities… for Dummies 

In this session, attendees will learn practical ways to find and build community online as Christian writers. Specific tips will be shared, including starting a blog, participating in blog link-ups, guest blogging, contributing to online publications, joining hashtag conversations and weekly parties on Twitter, joining a Christian Writers’ Facebook group, joining a membership site, starting an online discussion group, etc. Links and names of groups will be shared for attendees to research and consider for participation after the conference.

The Maranatha Christian Writers Conference offers unmatched direct access to experts in the field. You’ll get concentrated time sitting at meals with people who have been in the publishing industry for decades, as well as one-on-one appointments with agents and acquisition editors.

From my experience as an attendee, Maranatha does a fabulous job walking writers through the publication process and equipping them for what lies ahead.

Christian Writing Conferences

Breathe Christian Writers Conference
October 6-7, 2017
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Website: http://breatheconference.com/home/

I’ve attended Breathe for two consecutive years, and this year I’m so excited to be presenting on three different topics:

More Than a Platform: Using Social Media for God and to Achieve Your Writing Dreams—Ann Kroeker, Kate Motaung, Shannon Popkin

Three accomplished writers who know how to use social media well will help you examine your motives regarding platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, develop godly strategies and practical solutions, and help you reimagine social media as a simple, powerful storytelling vehicle.

Create to Connect: How to Find and Build Meaningful Community Online—Kate Motaung

Do you ever feel alone in the writing life? Does the idea of meaningful online connection sound foreign to you? Learn practical ways you can find and build genuine, encouraging community online and get specific tips on blogging, critique groups, and online discussions.

A Start-Up Guide for Writing Online—Kate Motaung

Learn a step-by-step process for becoming an established online Christian writer, including tips for effective blogging, best social media practices, and growing community online, as well as a list of places to submit articles and guest posts (and some of them pay!).

I love the inspiration I find at Breathe. It’s a great place to go if you’re lacking motivation and need a good pep talk to spur you on as a writer. This year, we’ll have the amazing privilege of hearing keynote speaker Leslie Leyland Fields! I hope to see you there!


Christian writing conferences


Festival of Faith & Writing
April 12-14 2018
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Website: http://festival.calvin.edu

The Festival of Faith & Writing takes place every two years. Compared to the other two conferences mentioned above, this one is much larger and covers a vast expanse of themes. Lord willing, my book will be released just before the festival, so I’d love to see you there to give you a signed copy!


Have you been to a Christian writing conference before? Which one(s) do you have your eye on? Will I see you at any of the conferences mentioned above? Drop me a comment below! 

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