Thinking about publishing a book? Be sure to take this book launch advice from my friend and fellow Hope*Writer, Katie M. Reid, author of Made Like Martha: Good News for the Woman Who Gets Things Done.
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Katie is spilling the beans on the behind-the-scenes lessons she learned after publishing a book.
Much of the advice shared below is similar to lessons shared and insights gleaned from the fabulous Hope*Writers community, where Katie has served as a Tuesday Teacher.
If you’re looking for a supportive online writing community to get your writing and publishing questions answered, I can highly recommend Hope*Writers . . . but hurry! They only open about twice a year, and doors are closing soon!
Learn more about Hope*Writers here.
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Here’s author Katie M. Reid with some invaluable lessons on publishing a book:
Publishing a book is similar to planning a wedding. Some aspects of the process are thrilling, and other parts are daunting (and these can differ from person to person).
But one main lesson I learned during the process of publishing a book is that it’s important to diligently check items off the list so you aren’t left with too much to do at the end.
When I planned my wedding, I was excited about the ceremony, but I was more excited about the marriage. However, when I planned for my book launch, I was more focused on the wedding (a.k.a “the launch date”) than the marriage (the time after the book released).
Since it was my first time publishing a book, I underestimated the energy, time, and communication that would be required after the book had released into the world.
So my advice would be: pace yourself.
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Get anything done that you can ahead of time. For example: while you’re waiting to get edits back from your editor, gather mailing addresses from those you will be sending books to (endorsers, influencers, etc.).
Be mindful that interview requests, guest post promotions, speaking events, and such, will require your time after your book comes out. This is not the time to retreat. People want to hear from the author. They are excited about your message. But also remember, you are only one person and your loved ones will still have needs (and wants) during this time, too.
Which leads me to the next point …
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Thank you for sharing this, Kate!