It’s time to write again!

If you’re new to the Five Minute Friday writing community, a special welcome to you. Each week we gather around a single word prompt, set a timer for five minutes, and write without looking back.

It’s fun, it’s freeing, it’s Five Minute Friday. 🙂

Learn more about the link-up and how it works here.


This week’s FMF writing prompt is: ANTICIPATE



Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO. 

This weekend I get to pick up my daughter from college for her fall break. Five consecutive nights at home. You can imagine my excitement. I’ve been anticipating this day for a while, and now that it’s almost here, I’ve found I have even more to anticipate. I’m waiting for news on a decision that will be made tomorrow, plus an update from another place regarding the outcome of another situation. These things could go well or not as well, the news could be pleasant or not so pleasant — but the anticipation is there nonetheless.

And then I can’t help but think about all of the people currently in Israel, with the unspeakable horrors that have been taking place there in recent days. I truly cannot imagine what it must be like to live amidst so much trauma and devastation, and what do they have to anticipate? Likely only more terror and devastation, at least for the foreseeable future.

And I have to conclude: As long as we are in this broken world before Christ’s return, we may anticipate happy things, but there will always be the possibility of disappointment. There will always be the possibility that horrible things will happen.

Until one day. The greatest day we can anticipate. The day when Christ shall return (or call us home) and we will be united with Him again in glory. And it will be a reunion so much sweeter than anything else we can imagine.





Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, ANTICIPATE, below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment: 

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