Welcome to this week’s edition of the Five Minute Friday link-up! It’s hard to believe we’re nearly halfway through the month of July already.

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Thanks to FMF community member Kath Gardner at Glimpsing Glory for the great prompt suggestion!

This week’s FMF writing prompt is: CAPACITY




Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO. 

It has taken me many years of adulthood to come to terms with this reality, but I’ve had to accept the fact that I just can’t do it all. As much as I might like to, it’s just not how I was made. I’m guessing you might be able to admit the same.

Over the years, I’ve had to acknowledge the fact that I have a limited capacity for tasks, demands, and responsibilities. The problem is, I usually want to make people happy and I usually don’t like saying no.

But inevitably, my propensity to say yes all the time leads to a terrible case of overcommitment, and the one who suffers most is me.

I recently signed my fourth traditional book contract (yay!), but that means I’m on a deadline. With a real publisher, not just a made-up deadline I created for myself.

In order to finish writing this book on time, I’ve realized I have to say no to certain things, including things I enjoy.

Some of you know I also edit books on the side as a freelancer (in addition to my day job). I’ve already had to turn down two editing requests that I know I would have enjoyed (and that would have helped our family financially). But I told myself I couldn’t say yes to any “extra” projects between now and my deadline so I can set aside time and mental energy to keep chugging away on this manuscript.

What about you? Do you struggle to set limits for yourself?

If you’re prone to overcommitting, I gently challenge you to consider the various areas in your life that take up your time and energy and consider whether any of them need to be let go of, even if just for a season.

None of us can do it all, friends — and what we can do, we can only do by the Lord’s grace and in His strength.




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Join us with your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, CAPACITY, below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment: 

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