One question I often get asked is, “How can I make money from home?”

While there are a number of options depending on your unique situation and niche, one option is to explore some affiliate marketing opportunities. Below I will mention two such programs, both of which I already belong to as an affiliate myself.

In future articles, I plan to share more affiliate marketing opportunities for you to check out. Feel free to share your own experience and suggestions in the comments!

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Please note: This post contains affiliate links. If you decide to apply as an affiliate for either of the programs mentioned below, I will receive a small commission. At no extra cost to you, you’ll be supporting the work and ministry of Five Minute Friday — so thank you in advance! 


affiliate marketing


Ultimate Bundles offers a number of themed digital bundles throughout the year, each for a few days at a time. Bundles include topics like parenting, fitness, healthy living, homemaking, blogging, photography, essential oils, and more.

You can sign up to promote and sell certain bundles that relate to your audience and niche, or you could try to sell all of the options available. As an affiliate, you receive a percentage of each sale that is made through one of your affiliate links.

Sign up to be an Ultimate Bundles affiliate here. 




BC Stack is an annual opportunity offered by Blogging Concentrated, in which bloggers can purchase a bundle of 65 digital products related to blogging, digital marketing, self-publishing, etc. at one low price.

Hurry, because the 2017 BC Stack is launching soon, and I happen to have inside information that tells me this is one bundle you won’t want to miss!

As a BC Stack affiliate, you can promote and sell this bundle through links on your website, social media channels, and to your email list, and you’ll get a commission for every sale that you make.

Sign up to be a BC Stack affiliate here. 




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Here’s a related post you might enjoy: Work from Home Opportunities for Christian Writers.


work from home opportunities


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