Welcome to our weekly Five Minute Friday link-up! And happy August! (Also, what happened to July?!)
If you’re new here, you can learn all about how the link-up works by visiting this page.
Basically we write like crazy for five minutes flat, then strap on our brave and share our frantic ramblings with the world. Sounds like fun, right? Right?
Oh, and if you’d like to hear more about the Five Minute Friday Retreat, be sure to read the beautiful, heartfelt posts in this special edition link-up for the retreat attendees! I personally loved reading their perspectives and being able to actually “hear” their real voices as I read. 🙂
Our prompt for this week’s link-up is: TRY
[Tweet “Join @5minutefriday as we set our timers for five minutes and write on the prompt, TRY!”]
Ready? GO.
It seems everywhere I turn, there’s another new, seemingly great idea of something new to try. “Do this,” “buy that,” “use this,” “make sure you’re doing that” … and so it goes.
The temptations to do and buy and go and be are everywhere.
And of course since my current field of work revolves around social media, publishing, and digital marketing, there is always a new study or method to try, new algorithms to learn or tricks of the trade.
It can quickly become rather overwhelming, can’t it?
I often give in to the whispers to just try a little harder, push yourself further, stay up later, do one more thing. And no, not all of those things are bad in and of themselves.
But what’s my motivation?
Are my efforts coming from a pure heart that seeks to glorify God? Or am I just trying to grow numbers for clients or myself, stay on top of the latest trends, not miss the boat?
Sometimes the trying is important and necessary, but many times, I’ve discovered it’s fine to just do the best you can with what you have.
[Tweet “Psst … in case you forgot, you don’t have to try so hard.”]
It’s a lesson that doesn’t come naturally or easily to me, but one I’m trying to learn.
[Tweet “Come write with us! This week’s @5minutefriday prompt is: TRY”]
Join the link up below, then comment on your link-up neighbor’s post!

“Sometimes the trying is important and necessary, but many times, I’ve discovered it’s fine to just do the best you can with what you have.” <<– this this this all day long. Thanks for a challenging and great prompt this week.
Amen, Kate.
There’s an old saying – “Fear the man with only one gun, because he likely knows how to use it.”
The world can burden us with the Shock of the New, and it’s so easy to buy into that, forgetting that skill is not technology-driven, but comes from understanding and diligence.
It all comes down to why are we doing what we are doing, doesn’t it. I need to make sure my motives are pure.
We’ve had this word prompt before July 31, 2015; there must be something about this time of year that prompts that word in you!!!
Even in my sixties I want to try new things – I do try to use my noggin and common sense in order to not break bones! LOL.
Maybe when we stop trying we start dying? Just thinking out loud this early morning. Love you Kate.
Happy to “try” this out as my first ever Five Minute Friday 😀 Hopefully more great responses to your already amazing prompts to come!
Soooooo…this might be my life. I get SO overwhelmed with all the stuff that I’m “supposed” to do to “make it” as a writer. I’m constantly having to ask God to check my motivations and bring my priorities back in order.
I kind of jump back and forth between trying too much and feeling frozen. I like the idea of stepping back and finding the why. Thanks!
I’m so thankful for these prompts. They inspire me in so many ways. I’ve been TRYING all week … to overcome the pull to do more … be more … write more…. It was nice to just rest for five minutes and write about how I don’t have to try so hard. I simply have to be His.
Definitely DON’T need to try everything that comes our way, but wisdom is needed to know when to step outside our comfort zones and try something new. Variety is the spice of life. Sometimes it’s just for fun, but good to ask why. God definitely tests and examines our hearts. Thank you, Kate!
Peace and blessings!