It’s here! Today is launch day for my newest book, Influence: Building a Platform that Elevates Jesus (Not Me).
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I had the privilege of co-authoring this book with Shannon Popkin, and our prayer is that this resource would be a great help and blessing to you as you seek to use your influence to the glory of God.

This book was written primarily for Christian writers, speakers, and ministry leaders (current and prospective). In other words, basically any believer who either has some sort of audience or following already, or who wants to grow his or her audience or following from a biblical perspective.
If you’re in the writing or speaking world, you know that “platform” can be a big deal – but how do we address the issue or pursue larger platforms in a way that honors God? Is that even possible?
Influenceis not so much a “how to” guide as it is a “why to” or “why not to” resource to help Christians find biblical ways to use their gifts in service to God and others.
We cover topics like the plethora of fears that plague us, the ongoing fight against comparison and pride, and the sneaky, selfish motives that slip into our plans, sometimes unnoticed.

This book addresses the moral and spiritual tension that Christians face, such as how to reconcile Scriptural passages and principles like “humble yourselves” and “do nothing out of selfish ambition” with “let your light shine.”
How can I exalt or promote myself or my work when the Bible calls me to imitate Christ, who made Himself nothing?
How can I use the gifts I’ve been given and share the message the Lord has laid on my heart without seeming proud or full of myself?
If you’ve ever asked yourself similar questions or wrestled with tensions like these, this book is for you.
As followers of Christ, we know the way to lasting hope and eternal life. We hold the life rings in a drowning, desperate world. We have what lost and struggling people need – the hope offered in the gospel and the salvation found in Christ alone.
If we have access to these truths, why would we not want to throw out as many life rings as possible?
And yet, our assignment as ambassadors for Christ often gets thwarted—either by our fears and resulting unwillingness to share, or by our selfishness. Sometimes without trying, we can turn into lifejacket models instead of lifejacket distributors.
But when you think of a lifeguard tower, is it not raised up so the lifeguard will be better positioned to serve?
In the same way, as Christian writers and speakers, we make use of the platform God has given us so we can best serve those within our reach.

The book contains a Group Discussion Guide at the back, with memory verses and questions corresponding to each chapter. We encourage you to find other writers and speakers with whom you can read and discuss the material in the book.
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Special Edition Link-Up:
On Tuesday, January 29th, 2019, we’ll be hosting a special edition link-up right here at Five Minute Friday. We invite you to share your own story relating to one of the following topics:
- How did your childhood, culture, family, and/or upbringing shape your view about whether or not you should promote yourself or be proud of your accomplishments?
- If you’re a Christian writer or speaker, what are your thoughts about platform building and self-promotion? What are your fears? How have you overcome them?
- What tools, resources, books, or Scripture verses have helped you as you seek to boldly (yet humbly) share your message as a Christian communicator?
- What are some of the moral and spiritual tensions you feel regarding platform building as a Christian?
I look forward to reading what you come up with! I’ll be sharing more about the link-up via email, so if you’re interested in participating, make sure you’re on the mailing list. (Click HERE to join if you’re not on the list.)
Online Book Discussion:
I’m *really* excited about this one! Beginning Monday, February 4th, 2019, I’ll be offering an online book discussion right here at Five Minute Friday.
We’ll be reading two chapters per week together, and I will post new video interviews every Monday and Wednesday through March 13th.
SIGN UP HERE to get more details about the online book discussion!
Hope to see you there!
I loved reading your new book and found it so inspiring! Happy for both of you!
This looks like a must-read for me! Putting it on my list now!
Hope it’s a blessing to you, Betsy!