It’s Day 3 of our series, 31 Days of Writing Tips. Each post has been written in five minutes flat in conjunction with the challenge, 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes. Today’s prompt is: PROBLEM
Think about the books that have had the greatest impact on you.
What was so significant about them?
Did they help you overcome a particular challenge in your life?
Did they shape your thinking about a certain issue, or help you reframe your thoughts on a difficulty you were facing?
Have you ever turned to books to help you solve a problem?
As a reader, I’m guessing that a number of books have aided you in various ways throughout your life.
How can you now, as a writer, “pay it forward” so to speak by using your own gifts and experiences to serve and bless others?
If you’re a writer or blogger, have you ever considered what problems your readers might be facing right now? Have you ever asked them?
What problem could you potential solve for someone else? You don’t have to be an expert . . . You just have to have a little bit of experience and perhaps (but not necessarily) be a bit further down the road than someone else.
Take some time today to brainstorm the gifts you’ve been given and ask the Lord how He might use those gifts and experiences to bless someone else.
If you have a blog or a social media presence, you might even poll your audience or send them an email to ask what problems or challenges they’re currently dealing with. As them what kind of help they need, then assess whether you might be equipped to help them — even if it’s only a little bit.
Even if you’re someone who typically writes for yourself, I challenge you today to think about your readers, then give them the whatever gift you have to offer.
Want to read more posts in this series?
CLICK HERE for the Table of Contents
Do you have problems as a writer that you’d like to get solved?
Check out the Start-Up Guide for Online Writers as a good starting place:
I feel so weird thinking about sending out emails to my readers but I’ll think about what you’ve said here for sure!