Hello! Welcome to this week’s edition of our weekly Five Minute Friday writing prompt link-up. It’s a special month here at FMF because the 31-Day Writing Challenge is happening now!
Click here to read posts from challenge participants.
I’m writing my series on 31 Days of Writing Tips, and I’m having so much fun! If you’re interested, check out other posts in the series here.
If you’re new to the link-up, you can read more about how to join here.
This week’s FMF writing prompt is: LISTEN
Ready? Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO.
How would you rate your listening skills?
I’m afraid my listening skills have only deteriorated since I’ve had kids . . . Can I say that out loud? 😉
It’s so easy these days to be distracted by all the responsibilities and noise of life, whether in real life or online. We’re so often consuming content, either via the radio, podcasts, Netflix, iTunes, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or via conversations with our family, friends, and colleagues.
We might be listening all day long . . . But are we really listening?
What are we doing with the information we consume?
Are we taking time to identify the needs around us in order to meet those needs or better serve our communities?
When you hear about a problem that someone else is facing, do you think about ways in which you’ve had similar experiences that may be able to minister to them or guide them through a challenging season?
As a writer, are you listening to the needs of your readers and followers? Take some time today to ask them what would best serve them during this season of their lives. You might not have every answer or solution, but you might be surprised by how the Lord can use even just a word or a sentence from your mouth or screen to touch someone else.
Much of the writing life involves looking in — but it should also involve looking out. Look at the world, look at your church, look at your workplace or extended family and find at least one way the Lord might use you to fill a gap.
Speaking of listening, here’s a FREE playlist for Christian writers for you to enjoy!
Before you go, I have TWO exciting opportunities for writers to tell you about:
Disclosure: Affiliate links have been used below
#1: Hope*Writers is NOW OPEN
(but only through midnight on Friday, October 4th!)
Hope*Writers is a fantastic online membership community for writers of all stages. They offer SO MANY incredible, helpful resources no matter where you are as a writer.
Don’t wait, because doors close at midnight on Friday, October 4th, and they only open about twice a year!
#2: The 2019 Genius Bloggers’ Toolkit is NOW AVAILABLE
Get 94 resources for bloggers plus some amazing bonuses!
** Only available through Monday, October 7th **
Join the link-up with your own five minute free write on the prompt, LISTEN, below — then visit the blog of the person who linked up before you to read their post and leave an encouraging comment!
Yes, I seem to listen
and you really think I hear
when you see my eyes a-glisten;
but that’s caused by too much beer.
I know you’re story’s vital;
at least it is to you.
For me it’s got the title,
“Please Wake Me When You’re Through.”
I realize you want to share
that which you have endured
but tedium is hard to bear;
fatal boredom can’t be cured.
I know this isn’t what you seek,
but my tongue is firmly in my cheek.
I need to improve my asking skills when it comes to asking readers what they want to know or how I can help them.
“We’re so often consuming content”
Believing that we have to have fingers in every pie or ears to every platform is overwhelming. In this area, I believe less is more. Learning to listen to what’s important requires discernment. Lord help us improve our listening skills, turn our ears in Your direction.
Amen, Suzette!