It’s Day 29 of 31 Days of Writing Tips — a series of posts written in five minutes flat in conjunction with the October writing challenge, 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes.
Today’s writing prompt is: PRACTICE
Find more posts in this series here.
As we near the end of this series of 31 Writing Tips, you may be feeling overwhelmed by all the things you’re “supposed” to do to strengthen your writing. And while I do believe each of the tips will help you to develop your craft and reach your writing goals, there is one tip that trumps them all: practice, practice, practice.
You have to write if you want to improve. Many accomplished authors encourage writers to write every single day. Get into the habit, and just get it done.
Just recently I’ve started setting a timer to write for 5-10 minutes every morning before I begin work. During this season of my life it feels like a manageable goal, and I can usually type 200-300 words in that amount of time. If I write 300 words for ten days, I’ll have 3,000 words, and that could become an essay, a few blog posts, or a chapter in a book.
See? It’s possible.
Last week my husband and I went to see Kenny G in concert. He shared that he and his pianist have been playing together since high school, which for them was 40 years ago. He talked about how they used to practice and practice and practice in hopes that one day they would be really good.
I’d say they succeeded — but it didn’t come without hard work.
They aren’t able to seamlessly perform a two-hour show without any written notes or sheet music by chance. They’ve worked hard to perfect their craft.
And so it is for us who write.
If you’re looking for some motivation and inspiration to help you practice the craft of writing,
I encourage you to pick up a copy of The Five-Minute Writing Prompt Journal on Amazon (affiliate links used):