Hello, FMF friends! Who’s ready to write?

If you’re new to Five Minute Friday, welcome! So glad you’re here for our weekly blog link-up, where we freewrite for five minutes flat on a one-word prompt. You can learn more about the link-up and how it works here.

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This week’s FMF writing prompt link-up is: ONCE 




Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO.

There are some things I need to hear, learn, and do again and again. Over and over. As if I never heard them, knew them, or did them before.

But there is one thing that never needs to happen again: Jesus Christ died once for all, a full and perfect atonement for the forgiveness of all who repent and believe.

Hebrews 7:7 says of Jesus, “He has no need, like those high priests, to offer sacrifices daily, first for his own sins and then for those of the people, since he did this once for all when he offered up himself.”

Once for all.

The Bible tells us that once we were strangers, aliens, foreigners to the promise, far off, without hope and without God in the world. But God.

He brought us near, made us His own, invited us into His family, made us His children, gave us a future and a hope.

Once for all.

In Him I don’t have to doubt my salvation or eternal destination. Even though I continue to sin and mess up every day, His grace has covered me and made me white as snow. Amazing grace. Completely undeserved.




I had so much fun chatting with Shawn Smucker and Maile Silva this past week about the writing life, finding time to write, maintaining motivation, and more.

If you haven’t heard, registration closes on February 24th for their brand new course, The Nine Month Novel.

nine month novel


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Join us for a five-minute freewriting exercise and share your work below! Don’t forget to visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment.

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