Welcome to the Easter edition of our weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!

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This week’s FMF writing prompt is: DENY




Trigger warning: The following post includes mention of an officer-involved fatal incident that may be triggering for some.

Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO.

You might have heard about it on the news — or maybe you haven’t, because the protests and marches have remained peaceful.

On the morning of Monday, April 4th, a white police officer conducted a traffic stop one mile from my church. A black driver named Patrick Lyoya, a refugee from DRC, got out of the car, refused to comply with the officer, ran, wrestled for a long time with the officer, did not follow instructions to stop resisting, got pinned to the ground, and was shot in the back of the head by the officer.

The video was released to the public this week. I told myself I wasn’t going to watch it, but then I did. It was horrible. My stomach still hurts. I couldn’t fall asleep the night after I watched it.

One moment Patrick had life, and the next second it was snuffed out. Gone.

It’s my husband’s birthday today. He is a black man. From an African country. By the grace of God, he still has breath.

It’s also Good Friday. The day my Lord was nailed to a cross. One moment He had life, and the next second it was snuffed out. By my sin. I did that. It makes my stomach hurt to think about it.

Jesus Christ gave up His life so all who believe in Him could have eternal life, life everlasting, abundant life in His presence that never ends.

Our time is short in this world. We don’t know when it might be snuffed out. We don’t know whether we’ll have another birthday or Easter this side of eternity.

But the promise of eternal life with God is held out for all who will believe and put their trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.






Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment. And may you have a blessed Easter weekend!

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