Welcome to this week’s edition of the Five Minute Friday writing prompt link-up! Whether you have a blog, a social media profile, or a well-worn journal, we hope you’ll take five minutes to write with us!
To learn more about the link-up and how it works, click here.
This week’s FMF writing prompt is: DELIBERATE
Starting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO.Â
If you read my post last week, you may remember me mentioning that we were expecting family coming for a visit for my daughter’s high school graduation. Well, by God’s grace they arrived safely, and it has been such a delight to be with them, especially after not being together for so long.
One of our family members has special needs, and it has been so heartwarming to watch my teenagers interacting with this relative in ways he is able to understand and engage with. They have not been condescending or dismissive in any way, but rather seek to find ways to include him and interact with him.
I realized for myself personally, I have to be deliberate about making sure I’m communicating in a way he understands and not just blowing past him with my fast words. I have to slow down, look him in the eyes, speak clearly, sometimes repeat myself. If plans are being made, I have to remember to make sure he caught what was going on and not just assume he knows what’s happening. It takes intentionality and extra effort, but it’s been a great lesson in paying attention to each individual’s needs and seeking to make whatever accommodations are necessary to make sure every person feels seen and included.
As we move into another week soon, let’s consider: In what ways might you need to be more deliberate this week in the ways you interact with others?
Speaking of being deliberate, developing a writing habit doesn’t just happen naturally.
We have to be intentional about it.
Here’s a resource that can help you establish regular writing habits
so you can make that progress you want to make in your writing life:
Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment:Â
I’ve got to be deliberate
in every sonnet that I write,
because the whole darn point of it
is that it’s pleasing in God’s sight,
which sometimes can be quite a task
because my nature’s lazy,
and before you care to ask,
yeah, it drives me crazy.
Every word has to be measured,
but if I write against the clock,
I have a way that’s kinda treasured,
like jumping fast from rock to rock
across a swift poetic stream,
and when it works, I live the dream.
Four minutes ten. When it works.
You have done a good job with your kids.
What a great lesson and reminder to be careful and considerate in how we communicate with all people in our spheres – to ensure they are all encouraged and included. Thank you, Kate. Blessings.