Welcome to our first FMF link-up of October 2023! I hope your month is off to a great start.

If you’re new to the Five Minute Friday community, a special welcome to you!

Learn more about the link-up and how it works here.


This week’s FMF writing prompt is: ATTEMPT




Set a timer for five minutes and give it your best attempt! 😉

And . . . GO:

I’m often hesitant to try new things. I usually think it’s a good idea at first, but then I calculate the risk and think of all the things that could go wrong, and sometimes I throw in the towel before I’ve even started. I see what other people are doing and accomplishing and think, “Maybe I should try that,” but then I convince myself that it’s either a waste of time or money (or both), or that I won’t be successful, so why try?

But in recent years, I’ve been trying harder to persuade myself that it’s worth a shot. You never know if something is going to work or not until you try, right? So I’ve been trying to give myself grace and permission to just try — even if it fails.

Like throwing strands of cooked spaghetti against the wall, sometimes that thing will be a complete flop and sometimes it will stick. And sometimes it may stick for a minute, and then flop. 😉

But my point is, we’ll never know if something will work unless we have the courage to make a first attempt. And sometimes a second and a third . . .

We have limited time in this life, and God has given each of us gifts to use for His glory. If I’m sitting over here with my gifts but I’m too afraid to use them in case I feel like a flop or a failure, what good is that to anyone else?

May the Lord give us the grace, courage, and discernment to put a foot forward where He wants us to step — even if that step becomes a falter and ultimately a fall. At least we will fall into His arms.





Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, ATTEMPT, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment: 

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