Welcome to the first Five Minute Friday writing prompt link-up of August!
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This week’s writing prompt is: TOLERATE
Thanks to FMF Community Member Rachel Mendell for the prompt suggestion!
Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO.Â
I like to think I can handle a lot, but the truth is, it doesn’t take much to make me break.
I’m not proud of it, but I tend to be a complainer.
Shucks, if the thermostat outside climbs higher than 80 degrees, I can barely tolerate the heat.
I keep thinking I’m strong, but in reality, I’m a weak and broken vessel. Dependent. Easily damaged.
I thought I could tolerate pain pretty well, but I get crabby and testy if it lasts too long (read: more than an hour).
I get impatient quickly, especially with my husband and kids. I become bitter and hold grudges and have to apologize and ask for forgiveness.
Then I think about my Lord, and I can hardly believe the pain and anguish He endured on the cross for my sake. I can hardly believe how patient He is with me, this human being who keeps messing it up again and again and again. And yet He continues to give grace, continues to forgive, continues to pardon and cover and overlook. Not because of anything good in me or anything I could possibly do on my own, but only because of the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross.
He does not tolerate sin, but He provided a way out, an escape, a path to freedom and peace.
For all who will trust in Him by faith.
Registration is NOW OPEN for our next
happening in September!
Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, TOLERATE, below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment:Â
I can tolerate a lot,
bad food, no sleep, hot air,
but the advantage I have got
is that I just don’t care
about my comfort or my ease
because they are all so fleeting,
and I know, when troubles cease
it’s soon I will be meeting
the monsters come out of the night,
that hide beneath the bed,
but they are blinded by the light
by which I have been led,
and I will take the crap and pain,
and like the Lord, I will remain.
Three minutes fifteen seconds.
Amen and amen. Thanks for being so real. Love the Jesus makes the darkness tremble idea!
Fear. Tolerate it? Pain. Tolerate it? Anger, aggression, apathy…envy? Jealousy?? It’s too much to ask of me! Stand. Stand firm then with all the self control you can muster to tolerate it all? Crucify it? Leave the room? Scream and yell?! What does tolerate even look like!???? What did Jesus tolerate? What didn’t He tolerate? How did He tolerate? I keep thinking of the boat. Jesus tolerated the massive storm (while the disciples freaked out) and He slept. What storms am I willing to tolerate? How did Jesus tolerate the storm? Did He tolerate their fear? Well, He calmed the storm in response to their fear. Then He did NOT tolerate their lack of faith. It didn’t stop Him from taking care of what they feared, though. How will we tolerate? Jesus have mercy on us all!
Fabulous! Thank you, Andrew.
Amen! Heat – same. I can work outside in the heat for maybe … 20 minutes? Then it’s inside with an ice pack on my neck and my back and ice water in my glass to bring my body to normal before the heat rash attacks. Yeah. Not proud of that…. But autumn is coming! Blessings!
Kate, I love this. Yes, He does not tolerate sin, but He has given Himself to provide us a way to come to Him out of our sin. Such love!!!