Welcome to this week’s edition of the Five Minute Friday link-up! If you’re new, a special welcome to you. Each week we gather around a single word prompt and freewrite for five minutes flat.
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This week’s FMF writing prompt is: MATTER
Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO.Â
A friend of ours passed away last week. Cancer. She was only 32 years old.
She left behind her husband and three daughters, just five years old, three years old, and ten months old, parents, three brothers, and countless friends.
I could share way more than five minutes’ worth of words about her, but one thing that stood out to anyone who met her was that she radiated the light of Christ. She adored Jesus, and she wanted others to know how much He loved them.
At her memorial service and in her written obituary, several friends and family members shared special memories and unique characteristics and qualities about this beautiful young woman of God.
And even though all of those things made her who she was, it struck me that now that she’s gone, it doesn’t really matter that much that she loved squirrels or knew how to change a flat tire. The only thing that really mattered in the end was that she loved Jesus and surrendered her life to Him.
It made me wonder what people might say about me at my funeral. I’m ashamed to admit that my outwardly visible fervor for the Lord does not match that of my friend who passed away.
What changes do I need to make in my own life to radiate the light of Christ like she did?
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Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, MATTER, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment:Â
It’s said that they are passed and gone,
it’s said that they are cold and dead,
but I will call the scoffers wrong,
because friends have gone on ahead
to a better brighter place,
where they turn, and smiling, wait
with patience, love, and gentle grace
until we’ve met our earthly fate
and find ourselves upon that road
that winds uphill to morning sky,
and each step sheds part of the load
we thought we’d carry when we’d die,
and suddenly, friends waiting there,
we find we are lighter than air.
Three minutes, and this is for you, Kate, with love.
Thank you, Andrew! I’m always amazed by what you’re able to come up with, especially in such a short time!
Sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. Sounds like she will be painfully missed.
oh so sorry, posted this in comments rather than linkup!. What what I thinking?